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Monday, November 20, 2023

The wonder blunder!

Have I blundered,
I once wondered.
Opportunities? Potentials? Goals?
All drained down the rabbit holes?

It was about one and eight, approximately my age.
Nervous, naive, doubting if I should turn to the next page.

Maybe someone else will do it better,
For I was still left with a taste bitter.

So i took a back seat.
Lets see others and learn from their wit.

I sat back once, and then once more and yet once more,
Hmmmm..... Lets try again, I should do better at chance number four!

And so I tried.
Willing to risk getting fried.
And again I blundered!
O! How did this happen, I wondered.

I was aged, about two and two there,
Thus, very little about outcomes did I care.

Better than the last time,
a mentor patted my back,
Continue, you'll eventually do fine!
He said, to that nervous rack.

And with his wisdom I proceed.
Understanding that a rose comes with its thorn.
The mantra if you want to survive or succeed,
Is that You must take the bull by its horn.

Many a times, tossed around
Yet landing on safer ground.

Thank you sir for teaching me to welcome my blunders,
For they are truly, the world's real wonders!