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Tuesday, July 5, 2011


28th June, 2011- a date which will always remain etched in my mind, not because it is the day when I have proposed, but because it marks the day the “Final rotations” of our clinical postings have begun. As I see it, the CET results have been declared, and the grand joons will be arriving any day soon. It just seems yesterday, that my results were declared and I landed up in the college of my dreams! Drishti’09 and Aavishkaar’10 seem such a memorable past. Now, it will be someone else’s experience. And very soon GOSUMAG’11 will fall under the same category.
What makes me think more, more than that these are the final months for us to learn, practice, expertise and master our clinical skills, is that these are the final months indeed. “One and a half year more”, someone may point out to me, but don’t you realise how quickly these three years have gone past, these months will nothing but just fly away as well! And if my friend Einstein’s theory of relativity is to hold true, then these will run out even quicker, even before you and I realise it.
On a brief and quick flashback, I am amazed at the amount of experience this place has helped me amass. And I am sure, greater experiences are still in the pipe-line. It has indeed “metamorphosed” me, but in a good way and will still do some more.
What the future holds in store for us, only time can tell. Only time will prove whether 28th June marked “THE BEGINNING OF THE END” or just “THE END OF THE BEGINNING”! Till then I wish to extract more than a hundred percent of joy and memories out of the precious moments that I have left here at the Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College and King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. A sound gongs in my head “TIC – TOC, TIC – TOC ............” can you hear it? Very soon, the alarm will go off and the dream shall be over!