(This article features in GOSUMAG 2013)
If you call the 2nd year MBBS a honeymoon, call the final year a hell. The final MBBS exam, especially, is a living hell – an apt punishment for all our karmas – past, present and even the future! The dying declaration is considered to be the most truthful and as I write suffering these insufferable sulphurous fires of hell, what I say is nothing but the truth.
If you call the 2nd year MBBS a honeymoon, call the final year a hell. The final MBBS exam, especially, is a living hell – an apt punishment for all our karmas – past, present and even the future! The dying declaration is considered to be the most truthful and as I write suffering these insufferable sulphurous fires of hell, what I say is nothing but the truth.
back, just five years ago, how happy we were! Young, vibrant and enthusiastic!
We were still ‘humans’, with social lives that could be measured on a Richter
scale. Five years hence, we are now ‘zombies’! No pain, no emotion, no
exhaustion! No sleep, no hunger, and more importantly, no joy. Generalized
anhedonia now defines us.
it so difficult, passing an exam? Aren’t we the cream of the intellects? Having
cleared exam after exam, fortnight after fortnight, with an effort no more than
required to slice a knife through a piece of butter, seasoned campaigners
hardened by the toils of war. Innumerable times we’ve heard, “If you can clear
this exam, you can clear any other!” However, at this time it seems more of a
taunt and less of a consolation.
We have read, we have learned, we have
understood, we have practiced and even rotted and mugged, but since the past
few days the mind only draws a blank. All that has been constructed has just
disappeared. Even when we read our revision notes, it seems something new.
There is no déjà vu! It is said that one should sleep well before the exams so
that one is relaxed and the mind can work at its optimum. But we’re just maniacs
now, sans the excitement and the happiness that is.
Every morning we look
in the mirror, and feel just that bit more ashamed. Somewhere, in another
parallel universe, is another version of us, who is better, who has continued
to travel on the upward trajectory, a path from which we have long deviated and
Once in school, a
teacher gave me a mark less and I cried. Today they say – I will pass you
because the examiner who will take your exam six months later will not!
Is this good? No.
Because, we deserve better. The world deserves better. We do injustice to our
capabilities, to our talents, to our capacities, the hopes that people –
parents, friends and teachers – place in us. Usually, when greats retire, the
fans feel saddened and it appears that the void will never fill. None of these
accolades will ever come our way, though. We are way past our greatness!
Yet, we no longer
feel disgraced. It hurts, but not that much. The more you think, the more
immune you become. It is the oxygen in our lungs, the blood in our veins and
the bile in our tummy. A Professor calls it shamelessness, I prefer the term
complacency. As bad as it may sound, it is the antidote to our stresses, a
necessary evil.
O! What has happened
of men!