I am not a great
fan of action movies. They give me goosebums and things of that sort.
Also, they have a lot of violence and immoral behaviour depicted,
which is not good for innocent minds as mine. So, I general I refrain
from viewing such movies. But, for some reason, Rambo is a series
that I have appreciated for long. Two reasons mainly, it is one which
has a sole to it, not merely useless mindless bloodshed. Two, Sly's
body is one of which I can only dream of having. His bloody biceps
are bigger than my waist (which right now is about 34, but estimated
to cross 40 by the end of this year. .. . .And with that my waist
will be twice my age!!)
Some of Rambo's
characteristics which I would like to impress upon your malleable
innocent minds are as follows:-
- He is great human being.
- Despite all the phenotypical characteristics which make him a “ dude” (click to know more), he is not! Infact, he is a gem of a human being.
- He has principles and leads a disciplined life.
- He is ever ready to help.
- Undying spirit.
- Unmatched power.
- But, because of the many years that he's passed as a prisoner of war, he cant adjust to civil life. He still thinks, he is in a prisoner of war camp, and continues with his Barbarian techniques.
Enough of general
knowledge, now lets start the show!
During one of the
OPDs when I was posted in gynaecology, came a female with lower
abdominal pain and weird symptoms which could not be attributable to
any of the normal medical conditions.
- Medicine is a subject of signs and symptoms. Signs – are what doctors elicit. That is why we are great!
- Symptoms- what patients give. Very important. Because in addition to telling us the medical problems that the patient may be suffering from, it also tells us the extent to which a patient can be a problem! ( I need not clarify about this more. Those want more in depth explanation can contact me personally.
- It is very easy: Just before going to sleep, close your eyes, concentrate on the point midway between your two eyes till it starts paining, and then shout loudly: Ahhhhhhhhh...!!!! I shall come in your dreams and meet you. I havent missed an appointment till date. Sometimes I sneak in uninvited as well. People have labelled such experiences as night mares).
This lady had much
more to say, then she was actually sharing. As my proffessor is very
experienced and considerate towards patients, she immediately
realised the gravity of the situation. I have over the years realised
that the Shakespearean proverb:- “they also serve; who only
stand and stare”, is indeed
very true. In fact a large part of one's learning is from observing
how to do, rather than rushing in to do it yourself. And just as you
are observing a beautiful photograph in the background (that photo
smiles back at you each time you look at it), I love to observe how people
communicate. It is a tremendous experience!
female was happily married since a decade or so. She had about 3 to 4
children. Her family life was good. No monetary constraints. Came
from a well to do back ground. Had a 'loving' husband. (Very
important because not many women think that their husbands love
them). Had a good amount of education. Watched TV serials as other
women. Didn't know any thing about cricket. Basically, a normal
Indian happy housewife. And yet one could make out that some thing
some where was wrong.
opened her file. My God! This lady had been to every OPD in our
hospital over the last week. We inquired further. She had been an
admission in our psychiatry wards a couple of years ago. OK.... the
drama begins now.
for deviating from the topic a little. But, this is important.
Doctors are being beaten up as a routine in civic hospitals now a
days. Its like a trend of sort. But, given an opportunity to beat up
someone, I would want to clean my hands on CHEMISTS. ![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_QVzoXDlbu4s/TNvRQDFkkbI/AAAAAAAAAJA/delrRK83FEQ/s320/face_punch.jpg)
Just owning a
drug shop, does not give a right to start dispensing medicine. They
give away non-sense drugs for illness. Perhaps even nonsensier than
what second year students in medicine write in their Pharmacology
papers, when they mix up. On several occasions, I have counseled
patients who have come to chemists to buy drugs for their illnesses
to see a doctor. The most universal answer which I get is that the
doctor will prescribe them “heavy drug”. I fail to understand
what heavy is. “We will go only when the illness becomes incurable.” Wow! This you tell me standing outside the busiest
hospital in this part of the world! And then we will miraculously
cure you or you can beat us up for your mistakes!
back, this lady had undergone a medical termination of pregnancy few
months ago. Now again, as she conceived for the nth time, (she
thought she had conceived, no reports were available though) promptly
took a self medication for abortion. Then, as she felt she should
not have taken drugs, stopped them and didn't complete the course.
She may have been in bad luck for her suicide attempt did not
succeed. And now she was worried, and we were even more worried.
unusual that I observed in the case of this woman was her supportive
husband. While my general observation has been that females come to
the hospital usually with their children, sisters or mother in laws,
this lady had come with her husband. Not only on that day, but for
the entire week her husband had been escorting her through our busy
corridors. In fact, he had been very supportive of her during her
psychiatric treatment as well. Very rare, as in India, psychiatric
problems are not considered medical illnesses. Families estrange
their kin. Sad, but true! But, this fellow was a gem of a gentle man.
Hence, that loving in the inverted commas earlier. More reasons
towards the end.
went out to see her husband. He presented to me as a very good man.
Neat in his atire. Tidy in his mannerisms. Very polite to talk with.
Barring that disgusting odour of gutkha emanating from his mouth,
every thing seemed fine. Quite unlike many relatives of other
patients now-a-days. He answered all my questions calmly. He gave me
all the information I wanted of him. Shared with me every minute
detail of his wife's treatment history.
talked to him about his job profile, his income, his spending, his
children. Their behaviour, their spending.I looked around his neck.
It was full of threads. Spiritually he seemed very staunch. From the
pictures hanging from those neck-laces, I realised that he was an
ardent follower of Nithyanand Baba. Why he has so many children? How
many more he intends to have? He said till God gave him. Because God
had been kind to him, by refusing any he didn't want to make Him
unhappy. Finally, certain things were not in his control! Interesting
character he appeared.
I was continued our discussion, a glanced upon his handset. Oh my
God! He was still stuck up with an old black and white model. A
simplified version of the conversation is given below:
“नया फ़ोन क्यूँ नहीं लेते ?” I asked.
“नहीं साब ,अपना काम इसी में हो जाता है ”
“पर दुनिया तो आगे निकल गयी है ”
“नहीं साब ये सब सर का दुखवा है. उसकी तकलीफ क्या है ?”
“उसकी तकलीफ ,आपका फोने है !”
that he was at this comment. His phone! How could his phone be
causing such problems? I mean, from his look I could decipher that he
was completely lost. Lost for the next question, lost for the answer
as well.
“साब ,
नहीं समझा ”
“नासमझी ही तो आपकी तकलीफ है ”!
“पर फ़ोन कैसे ...... ...? आप ही समझिये न. ये सब फ़ोन कैसे कर सकता है ? आप तो डॉक्टर है. आप को तो पता है. फ़ोन कैसे ”?
“आपको नहीं पता ? ”
“नो आईडिया !”
“वो ही तो ! Get idea!!”
answer was – her 'loving' husband.
you did not understand any part of this conversation, meet me in
person by the method described earlier.
poor lady was suffering at the hands of her husband. The man on first
look, appeared quite sensitive. Loving and caring! He was considerate
enough to spend a whole week with his wife doing rounds in the
hospital. But, due to the level of his ignorance, disbelieves, and
an element of arrogance, just wasn't ready to mend his ways. Not
ready to accept, that the answer lies with him. He was a prisoner of
his own self and that was the reason why he persisted with his
Barbarian believes and techniques. Ruthless and shameless.
is what I would call a 'Rambo' in real life.