When we were in pre-school, we
would start our essays with ‘I have many friends, but Ramu is my best
friend.......' Thus, allow me to start this piece with, I have many friends.
Most of them are on the internet and I have never met them per se. Others whom
I have met, are graded as no better than acquaintances, friends and ta..da....
Best friends! This piece of literature is dedicated to one of my better
friends. Let us call him Ramu for ease of communication.
about a couple of years ago Ramu fell victim to Cupid. The girl was a very nice girl.
Well behaved and polite. I was very fond of her only till so long as I had
nothing to do with her or as the saying goes around, ‘Dur se hi Ram-Ram’.
Usually I do not bother who my friends hang out with, but come on; we are
talking about Ramu here. And, it nothing less than pained me to see my
simpleton friend being dominated by that pathetic excuse for a human being. In
a typical bollywood movie plot, I would go and tell my friend about my
evaluation of his bride-to-be (I know this fellow and his day dreaming
habits!). Then we would disagree, have a fight, he would perhaps hit me, and
that would end our friendship. Then after the chewing gum had been extracted
off its last bit of flavour and no longer good enough to be blown into even a
bubble, the lady would spit him into a gutter. Then there would be an interval
and after that we would meet in a disco, he would apologise and we would sing a
hit musical number. Friendship rekindled.

poor Ramu was still love struck. I saw the Hindi version of Makkhi. Innovative
and all that, but what I realised at the end of it was that the poor love
smitten sole of the protagonist has been doomed for all eternity. He dies only
to be reborn as a Maakhi. Neither will he ever let the girl settle in life nor
will he get any action himself! He is a drone bee if you realised!
took him in my fold on his path to rehabilitation. One day he stopped playing
the guitar, no more poetry. Such a relief! One could look at his face and tell
what all stuff he had eaten over the past three days at least. Karan-Arjun had
reincarnated! Ramu was back.
reason I write this piece is that very recently I saw Madam Maya with my
friend. Yes it was raining and the bus stop was all crowded, so I pray that it
be nothing more than an awkward encounter. But the buzz also doing the rounds
is that there may have been some sparks flying and the irrational romantics are
happy. I am afraid that my greatest nightmare is coming true. The dung cake is
attracting the flies! Poor Ramu does not realise however that, he isn’t the
only fly hovering around this piece of manure. But maakhis do not have such
IQs, definitely not drones! They just live to serve the queen, do all the
donkey work and die without even expecting any reward.
Once bitten twice shy is an age
old idiom, perhaps I can add a few more
Once smitten, always ‘bee’ten!
Once vroomed, forever doomed!